About University
Short History
The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" is a scientific and cultural center of continuous undergraduate and postgraduate education of doctors and pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova. It was founded based on the Institute of Medicine No.1 from Saint Petersburg, evacuated during the World War II in Kislovodsk, and later on transferred to Chisinau together with students and the whole teaching staff under the name of State Institute of Medicine.
This institute started its activity on the 20th October, 1945 and had one faculty, that of General Medicine, that assembled 32 chairs wherein about 1000 students studied at. The teaching process was developed by 130 professors, including 20 PhDs and 23 Doctors in Medical Science.
The foundation of the State Institute of Medicine from Chisinau served as impulse for developing the high medical education and consolidation of the health system from the republic.
In 1954- the faculty of Pediatrics was founded, in 1959 - faculty of Dentistry, in 1963 - the faculty of Preventive Medicine and in 1964 - faculty of Pharmacy. The need of continuous formation of the specialists after graduation contributed to the set up of the faculty of continuous education in 1962. Aimed to create appropriate conditions for the well development of the scientific activity, the Central Lab of Scientific researches was founded in the same year.
In 1965 the Institute got the I-st category and in 1967, it was charged to develop new types of continuous differentiated training per specialties of the future doctors- via sub-internship and internship.
Since 1990 the Institute carries the name of Nicolae Testemitanu (1927 - 1986), famous scholar, talented teacher and educator, state man, skilled organizer in the field of public health, who brought a considerable contribution to the organization and development of the health protection system in our country; was a promoter of the national revival, of the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova. Man Emeritus.
On the 25th of July, the State Institute of Medicine "Nicolae Testemitanu" from Chisinau was reorganized in University. In 1995, this institution was given a new name - the State University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics "Nicolae Testemitanu" from the Republic of Moldova.
In 1992, while passing to a higher stage-post university of training future specialists-doctors and pharmacists via residency, the faculty of Residency and of fellowship training opens.
At present, the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu" is a high educational institution of international fame that trains medical and pharmaceutical personnel in conformity with the modern concepts and international exigencies of training and education of the future specialists. Within it, at university level there function the faculties of General Medicine (inclusively the specialty of Public Health), Dentistry, Pharmacy and the Section for undergraduate studies (for students - citizens of other countries); at postgraduate level - the faculties of Residency and fellowship training, continuous education and the department of Doctorate and Master's degree.
Aimed at efficient process of scientific-practical formation of the personnel of family doctors, dentists and specialists in pharmaceutics, the University Clinics of Primary Medical Assistance together with the Center of Training/Testing the practical abilities (2003); the Dentistry University Clinics (1977) and the University Pharmaceutical Center (1982) activate except the University.
The training of the personnel is carried out based on the modern programs, adjusted to European standards; much attention is paid to stable values, didactic methodologies and elements: tradition, advanced concepts, modalities of analysis and synthesis, level of discipline and attitude, modalities of reproductive and creative education.
The integrated education, interactive methods, problems of situation, clinic cases and home medical services, medicine based on evidence, virtual programs, standardized patients, education at distance, TV medicine and others are being implemented.
The university education in first years is carried out in Romanian, Russian and English languages. Within the Francophone Branch (since 1998), that activates at the faculty of General Medicine, the education is developed in French.
The Medical Scientific Library plays an important role in the process of education and research in the University that assembles over 1 million of publications of books and other modern sources of information.
The University is connected to Internet since 1997; the University Center of Information "Infomedica" was established in 2002.
The noble mission of educating the staffs belongs to the teaching team of professors with a strong intellectual potential and a rich professional experience. Within 79 chairs, 11 courses and 14 scientific labs there activate 1000 specialists, inclusively 14 academicians and member correspondents of the Moldova Science Academy, honorable members of the academies of other states, 140 PhDs and 536 doctors in medical science, 20 Laureates of the State Award in the field of science and technique. This potential, except the didactic and scientific activity, keeps relations of collaboration in the field of forming medical and pharmaceutical staffs, medical science and practical medicine with other 30 Universities and Clinics from France, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the USA, Israel, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine etc.
The international collaboration contributes to the integration in the European and world educational systems; development of students and professors mobility; implementation of new methods of education, research, diagnosis and medical assistance; getting grants of financing, of projects of research, education and institutional development.
At present, over 5600 students from the Republic of Moldova and about 30 countries of the world study at the Chairs and university courses located in 86 modern clinics and polyclinics. .
Development Strategy of State University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Nicolae Testemiţanu” was developed with assistance offered by experts, national and international organizations in 2011-2020, which on 27 October 2010 was approved by Decision of Government of Republic of Moldova as part of the Development Programme of Medical and Pharmacy education in republic of Moldova. .
Subsequently, the informatization Strategy of the University was developed in 2012-2015. The basic mission of State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” is defined by the key role it holds in the reforming process of higher medical education, as well as health system from the country. .
Alignment to everything that is modern in higher education, further development and thoroughgoing study of research and innovation activities in medicine domain, rhythmic conduct of clinical work are the three components, which determine the current image of the University..